
  • Micro Granulated Zeolite with Probiotic and Mineral Compouns Profitable Aquaculture Benefits: In Pond: • Prevents the production of Toxic gases. • Controls the Toxic gases already formed. • Reduces the water Turbidity. • Makes the Pond water clean & Clear. • Develops plankton levels. • Regulates Pond Temperature. • Regulates moulting process. • Regulates mineral balances. • Prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and such diseases. • Improves dissolved oxygen levels. • Prawn / Fish becomes healthy and active. • Prawn / Fish relieved from stress. • Bottom sludge reduced. • Animal takes feed normally and grows better. In Feed: • Minerals with helps the animals for more strength, growth, moulting and helps for better body weights. • Probiotics will make the gut more health, active and helps for better feeding, growth & body weights. • Zeolite will helps the animals for better conditioning of the gut which helps for growth & body weights. Dosage: Prawn & Fish Tanks : For Pond Preparation : 50-100 kg. / acre (or) 125-250 kg / hactare During Culture : 10 kg. / acre (or) 25 kg / Ha once in 3 weeks In Fish Feed: 2 kg / ton of feed (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. Presentation: 20 kg. bucket
  • Special Mineral Supplement for Aquaculture use Benefits: 1 Provides enough minerals in the water and shrimp / fish. 2. Helps for better musucle formination in shrimp / fish. 3. Helps for prevention of soft shell disease, delaied moulting, loose shell disease etc. 4. Helps to prevents body cramps etc. 5. Helps for better growth, body weights, health and immunity in shrimp / fish. Dosage: In water: 5-10 kg / acre (or) 12-25 gm / hectare once in 15 days. In Feed:5 kg / metric ton of feed (or) as advised by an aquaconsultant. Presentation: 10 kg.
  • Concentrated Water & Soil Probiotic Granules Benefits: Pond: • Degrade the organic sludge in the water and the bottom of ponds. • Prevents the formation of toxic gases like NH3, H2S, No2 in ponds • Improves the environment of ponds. • Helps to increase DO levels. • Helps to optimise plankton • Helps to regulate pond temperature. • Provides complete relaxation to animals. • Increases total productivity. • Increases health, immunity, growth, body weights. In Feed: • Intestines become more healthy. • Increases appitite, digestion, feeding. Dosage and application:- In Pond: Spread the product directly into ponds. It should be applied in the morning from 8-9 am For black tiger shrimp: • Density is less than 20 shrimps/m2: • Before putting fry shrimps: 20 kg/ha. • During culture: 10 kg/ha (use each 15 days). Density is more than 20 shrimps/m2: • Before putting fry shrimps: 30 kg/ha. • After 30 culture days: 9 kg/ha. • After 45 culture days : 9 kg/ha. • After 60 culture days: 12 kg/ha. • After 75 culture days: 16 kg/ha. • After 90 culture days: 20 kg/ha. • For shrimps (Penaeus vannamei): Density is less than 100 shrimps/m2: Before putting fry shrimps: 20 kg/ha. • During culture: 10 kg/ha (use every 15 days). Density is more than 100 shrimps/m2: • Before putting fry shrimps: 30 kg/ha. • After 15 culture days: 6 kg/ha. • After 30 culture days : 9 kg/ha. • After 45 culture days: 9 kg/ha. • After 60 culture days: 12 kg/ha. • After 75 culture days: 12 kg/ha. Fish Culture: Regular use : 5 kg. /hectare (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. In Feed: 5 gm / kg of feed 5-7 days in a month -(or) as advised by an aqua consultant. Presentation: 25 kg drum.
  • Highly Concentrated Probiotic Blend for Aquaculture Ponds ECO-PRO is a special Probiotic mixture with Special selective strains of beneficial bacteria and digestive Enzymes. Main benefits in aquaculture: • Reduces the toxic gases quickly. • Reduces the pathogenic bacterial loads fastly. • Reduce stress to the animals. • Reduce bottom sludge. • Reduce pond water turbidity. • Increase DO levels. • Increase pond coloring to desired greenish. • R-egulates pond temperature. In Feed: • Helps for better health, immunity, growth & body weight. Method of Application: In Ponds: Mix the recommended quantity of ECO-PRO in 50 lit. of water with 5 kg. of Jaggery, 1 kg. of Yeast Powder for 12-15 hours and apply to the pond water uniformly. In Feed: 1 gram / kg of feed continuously (or) 2 days in a week (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. Dosage: Prawn & Fish Tanks : 40-100 gms. / acre (or) 100-250 gm / hactare once in 2-3 weeks (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. Presentation: 100 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg.
  • Soil & Water Probiotic Benefits : • Cleans pond bottom sediments. • Eliminates toxic gases like ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, nitrites, sulphur dioxides etc. • Arrests the growth of pathogenic bacteria like VIBRIO by competitive elimination. • Maintains optimum plankton levels. • Provides enough DO levels. • Maintains optimum water parameters. • Animals became active and stress free. Dosage : 1mtr. water depth. 500 gms. / hectare (or) 200 gm / acre- once in 15 days. (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. Application : Mix the recommended quantity of Bio-treat in 20-30 litres of water and sprinkle all over the pond. In Feed: 5 grams / kg of feed 7-10 days in a month (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. Presentation: 500 gm.
  • Liquid probiotic Ponds for Aquaculture Ponds BENEFITS : • Makes the fish / prawn pond free from pathogenic micro organisms especially bacterial sps. • Pond becomes fresh and clean since it prevents formation of poisonous gases like ammonia and eliminates already formed gases. • Fish/ prawn feels healthy, active and stressfree. • Helps to reduce incidence of bacterial diseases and avoids the use of powerful chemicals (or) antibiotics. • Helps for better growth and health. DOSAGE : In Ponds : 2-5 ltr. per acre (or) 5-12 ltr / hectare Repeat the dose once in a month In Feed : 5-10 ml. / 1kg. of feed - 7-10 days in a month (or) as advised by a fish consultant. PRESENTATION : 1 ltr, 5 ltrs.
  • Soil and Water Probiotic with Bio-Degredant Action BENEFITS : In Pond: • Eats the bottom settled pond wastes and avoids the decomposition. • Makes the pond bottom clean, neat and visible. • Provides more space to Prawn to eat and swim by removing bottom sludge. • Prevents toxic gases like ammonia, H2S, SO2 etc. in pond water. In Feed: • Helps for better gut health, Immunity, Productivity, Growth, Body weights. DOSAGE: PRAWN / FISH TANKS: At the time of pond preparation (or) First use : 10 Kg / acre. (or) 25 kg / hectare During the culture: 5 Kg / acre once in a month (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. FISH : 5 Kg / acre. (or) 12.5 kg / hectare In Feed:10 gm / kg of feed 7-10 days in a month. NOTE : Use recommended quantity of Bottom-Lact mixed with equal quantity of Super Fresh for better results. PRESENTATION : 10 kg.
  • A Best Quality Yeast For All Round Performance In Aquaculture Benefits : • Shrimp grows very fast with better health & immunity • Improves the level of production, FCR and lowers the feed costs. • Increases efficiency in the use of feed ingredients. • Reduces all kinds of stress factors. • Redues mortality due to opportunistic pathogens • Enhances the disease resistance of culture shrimps. • Improves the growth and survivals. Dosage : In the Ponds: 500 gram / acre (or) 1.2 kg / hectare water area (one meter) Application: Put 500 gm of PURE YEAST with 5.0 kg of jaggery in 20-30 liters of water and keep for 12-15 hours. Apply the mixture in the pond water uniformly. In Feed: 5-10 gm / kg of feed Mix the recommended quantity of PURE YEAST in feed with the suitable binder and dry for few minutes before use. (or) as per the advice of an aqua consultant. Presentation: 1 ltr.
  • A Strong Nutrition with Probiotics for All Round Gut Flora Performer, Growth Promoter, Feed Binder and Immunomodulator in Shrimps Benefits: • Limits the activity of harmful pathogenic bacteria. • Maintains a healthy and balanced gut micro flora. • Improves the overall performance of shrimps. • Reduces digestive upsets. • Promotes the fast growth rate of shrimp. • Improves FCR. • Improves resistance to stress and disease. • Improves digestive process and the feed absorption. • Enhances immunity. • Acts as best binder for feed additives along with pellet feed. Dosage: 10-20 ml / kg of shrimp feed (or) as per advice of an aqua consultant. Application: Mix recommended quantity of SUPERGUT and apply to 1 kg of pellet feed. Dry the feed under cool shade for 30 minutes before feeding. Presentation: 1 ltr.
  • High Value Nutritional Supplement for Shrimps Benefits: • “Hi-Gain” is an unique nutritional preparation especially for Vannammei & tiger shrimp culture to improve profitability. • It acts as a super food for shrimps & prawns, it supplies high nutritional supplements in initial stages of their life, which helps to achieve more weight gain in short period of time. • It provides natural amino acids, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Also it contains important Insulin like growth factors IGF-1 and IGF-2, which encourages growth of muscles and tissues in shrimp & fish. • It has an important immune properties like antibodies, immunoglobulins and enzymes, which improves immunity & resistance power in aquatic animals. It allows the fish/shrimp body to strengthen its normal functions. • It helps to strengthen the digestive system & prevents digestive disorders. • It supplies nutrients to all stages like starters, growers & finishers of Vannammei & tiger shrimps, which ultimately useful for rapid growth & to increase body weight gain in short period. Dosage: Add in feed: Shrimps & Prawns: I st week : 10 grams / kg of feed IInd week : 6 gm / kg of feed IIIrd week : 4 gm / kg of feed IVth week : 3 gm / kg of feed 5th Week onwards: 2 gm / kg of feed 2 days every week (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. Presentation: 1 kg.
  • Feed Probiotic and Growth Enhancer As the aquatic animals live in water and is the best source of microbial growth, very oftenly animal gut is infected with bacterial pathogens. The best and proven way to protect animal gut is by providing beneficial bacteria. P-LACT PLUS is a specialsed formulation to protect the animals from bacterial pathogens, stress and to provide additional strength. Main Benefits : • Prevents and controls bacterial pathogens in the gut. • Helps for uninterrupted growth. • Increases body weights. • Maintains optimum health and immunity. • Improves efficiency of digestive system. • Prevents loose shell disease. Dosage : Regular use : 10 gms. / kg. of pellets Stress / poor growths / disease condition : 20 gm. / kg. of pellets 10 days. Application : Mix recommended quantity of P LACT PLUS with suitable binder cum feed attractant preferably CODLIV or ATTRACT and apply to feed. Dry it for 30 minutes on cool shade and give it to shrimp / prawn. Presentation : 500 gm, 1 kg.
  • Breakdown of organic flocks and un-decomposed sludge. Eliminates un-ionised ammonia at the pond bottom. Prevents further ammonia production by inhibiting urease activity. Less susceptibility to diseases. Improves growth & FCR Reduces or eliminates off-flavor problems. Effective even at relatively high BOD/COD. Increases DO level & reduces pH level. Improves sediments & water quality. Increases resistances of the host Mineralisation & Nitrification in pond. Promotes growth & high survivals. DOSAGES : 1 Meter water depth / One Hectare area Types of Species During pond preparation (kg) During culture(kg) Frequency P. monodon(Tiger shrimp) 2.0 1.0 3 weeks L vannamei shrimp 2.0 1.0 2 weeks Scampi /Fish 1.0 0.5 One month In Feed : 5 gm. / kg. of feed - 5-7 days in a month (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. APPLICATION: Mix the recommended quantity of NITROFIX-DS in 50 lit of water with 5 kg of jaggery, 1 kg of yeast powder for12-15 hours and apply to the pond water uniformly. PRESENTATION: 1 KG.