Liquid Toxin Binder cum Digestant
1. Acts well on toxins and moulds.
2. Controls the pathogenic bacteria in the gut.
3. Decreases the chances of disease outbreaks.
4. Increases the quality of water by reducing pH.
5. Helps for stimulation of liver, better digestion, absorption of nutrients.
6. Helps to increase renal function and purity of blood.
7. Helps to increase egg production in layers.
8. Helps for fast growths and more body weights in broilers.
Poultry: in drinking water :
1ml./1litre of water 5-7 days each month.
in feed : 250-500 ml/metric ton of feed
Method of application :
Take the recommended
quantity of TCT Liquid and
pour the same in the feed
mixer gently during feed
Presentation : 500 ml., 1000 ml.