B complex vitamins with amino acids

Benefits :
1. Prevents perosis muscular dystrophy.
2. Improves health & disease resistance.
3. Relieves from all kinds of stress
4. Improves egg production in layers
5. Increases body weights in broilers
6. Enhances the fertility and hatchability in breeders.
Dosage : LIQUID : Poultry- Per 100 birds – 5-7 days. Layers : Chicks & Growers : 20 ml.
Layers : 20-30 ml.
Broilers : Starters : 20 ml.
Finishers : 30 ml. Breeders : 40 ml.
POWDER : Layers & broilers : 100 gms. /ton of feed regularly.
Breeders : 150-200 gms. / ton of feed regularly.
Fisheries : 250 gms./ ton of feed regularly.
Presentation :
Liquid : 1ltr., 5ltrs.
Powder : 1kg. plastic containers