Special selective herbal preperation having properties of cell
activations, building of immunity, and stress relief.
Main herbs incorporated are :
Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Chitrak, Camellia Sinensis, Phyllanthus
emblica, somnifera etc.

Benefits :
Stimulates both humeral and cell mediated immunities Makes

the birds to respond well for vaccines Strongly provides pro-
tection against free radicals Helps for better growths, better

egg productions Relieves from stress and makes the birds com-
fortable More survivals, more productivity and more profits.

Dosage : per 100 birds / day/5-7 days
Chicks, growers & broilers starters : 3 ml.
Layers & broilers finishers : 5 ml.
Breeders : 7 ml (or) as advised by a veterinarian.