Liver-stimulant & correctant

Benefits :
1. Hi-Liv is a general protective tonic and can be given both
in normal and abnormal conditions.
2. Prevents fatty livers and re-generates damaged
3. Improves egg production and body weights.
4. Increases FCR and feed efficiency.
5. Boosts the fertility and hatchability in breeders.
6. Ensures quick recovery during anti-biotic therapy.
Dosage : Liquid – Poultry : for 100 birds per day /5-7 days.
Chicks : 5 ml.,Growers : 10 ml.,Layers : 20 ml.
Broilers : 20 ml., Breeders : 30 ml.
Poultry – Fisheries :
Routine use : 500 gm/ton of feed
Treatment use : 1kg/ton of feed 7-10 days.
Live Stock : Calves, dog, sheep & goat : 5-10
gm./animal/day – 5-7 days / month cattle and
horses : 20-30 gm./animal/day 5-7 days /
month (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
Presentation :
Liquid : 1ltr., 5ltrs. plastic containers
Powder : 1kg. pouch, 25 kg. bag.