In combination of selective herbal extracts having antibacterial properties and added with nutrients.

• Prevents and controls diseases of Shrimp & fish.
• Increases Immunity in Shrimp & fish.
• Acts as Growth Promoter in Shrimp & fish.

FLOC TREAT (HERB) is a botanical-based solution for the treatment
and prevention of bacteria & viral diseases in shrimp/fish. It is most
suitable for Biofloc systems.

• Have strong antibacterial properties.
• Prevents bacterial and other diseases in shrimp / fish.
• Prevents external infections.
• Protects liver and makes proper liver functions.
• Improves digestion and FCR.
• Improves immunity.
• Improves growth rate.

Use in Feed : 5 -10 ml / kg of feed daily / 7 days continuously.

Application : Mix in feed and use after drying few minutes. (or) as per advice of an aqua consultant.