For control of diarrhoea

1. Acts as best astringent and anti spasmodic.
2. Having ability to reduce the disease causing microbial load.
3. Adsorbs toxic substances in the gut / stomach
and expels out.
4. Improves digestion and reduces gastric disturbances.
5. Prevents the formation of gases and minimizes
the chances of bloat / tympany.
6. Peristaltic movements brings to the normal level.
Large animals : 30-50 gms. / animal / day / 7-10 days.
Small animals : 10-20 gms. / animal / day / 7-10 days
(or) as advised by veterinarian.
Diarrhoea of specific and non specific conditions Calf
scours, Enteritis, Dysentry, Gastritis, Entero toxaemia,
Flatulence etc.

PRESENTATION : 200 gms., 1kg. pouches