Growth Promoter, Disease Preventor &
Immuno Modulator

• Having strong microbicidical properties and kills all
bacterial, viral, protozoan and fungal organisms
present in the animal as well as in the pond.
• Effectively prevents most of the microbial infections,
if preventive treatment given properly.
• Effectively controls most of the diseases after attacks.
• Helps to improve the appetite and digestion which helps
for better growth and health.
• Increases immunity and provides protection against all
kinds of diseases originates from nutritional as well as
pathogenic organisms.
• Very effective for white gut disease.

Dosage: IN FEED : As a regular growth promoter, disease
preventor and immuno-modulator : 2 gm / kg of feed 2 days
every week from the begining of the feed to till harvesting.
During disease out breaks, poor growths and non-specific
mortalities conditions: 5-10 grams / kg of feed 7-10
days continuously.
IN WATER: 1 kg / hectare (or) 400 gm / acre once in 2-
3 weeks (or) as advised by an aqua consultant.

Presentation: 500 gm , 1 kg.