- Special quality cattle mineral mixture enriched with chromium and amino acids BENEFITS : 1. Ensures higher fertility rate and conception. 2. Helps for faster recovery from illness. 3. Milk production and milk fat content improves and maintains for longer periods. 4. Supplements essential mineral requirements and helps for general health, disease resistance. 5. Increases growth of calves. 6. Relieves the animals from stress / strain. 7. Most suitable in the conditions like advanced pregnancy, repeat breeding, delayed sexual maturity etc. DOSAGE : Calves : 10 gms. / daily Cows & Buffaloes : 30 gms / daily Pigs : 20-30 gms / daily Animal feeds : 10 kg. / ton of feed daily. PRESENTATION : 1kg. pouch, 25 kg. bag
- CATTLE MINERAL MIXTURE with vitamins, amino acids & yeast culture BENEFITS : 1. Improves milk yield. 2. Helps for better growth. 3. Increases health and immunity. 4. Better fertility in females 5. Better strength in bullocks. 6.Enhances additional stress bearing capacity PRESENTATION : 1kg. pouch, 25kg. bag INDICATIONS : Low milk yield, advanced pregnancy, peak lactations repeat breeders, young calves, poor growths, during antibiotic treatments etc. DOSAGE : continuously or 10 days in each course. Cow & buffaloes : 30 gms. Calves : 10 gms. Pigs : 20 gms. In feed : 10 kg. / ton of feed.
- Concentrated probiotic feed supplement BENEFITS : 1. Prevents bacterial infections mainly E.Coli and salmonella. 2. Improves health and immunity. 3. Vaccines functions well and completely. 4. More survivals, better performance and extra profits. 5. Higher and persistent antibody titres. 6. Better quality meat produced. DOSAGE : Cattle & Swine feeds : 1-3 kg. / metric ton of feed (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Note : compatable with all antibiotics and feed ingredients. PRESENTATION : 1kg. tin, 1kg. pouch, 25kg. bag, 25kg. drum
- Growth promoter & performance booster BENEFITS : 1. Helps for better growth and body weights. 2. Relieves from stress of all kinds. 3. Maintains normal vigour, appettite, health, immunity etc. 4. Best suitable to give during and after antibiotics and chemotherapy. DOSAGE : Cattle & Swine feeds : 2-5 kg. / metric ton of feed regularly (or) as advised by a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : 25kg. bag
- Appetite stimulant & digestant BENEFITS : 1. Helps for better secretions of saliva and digestive juices for effective digestion of food. 2. Optimizes ruminal PH and maintains perfect microflora in the rumen for better digestion. 3. Better feed utilization by better enzymatic activity. 4. Improves strength of the animals by providing better immunity. 5. Optimizes residual movements for better passage of ingesta and expulsion of gases. 6. Provides comfort in the digestive tract and avoids the related stress caused to the animals. 7. It is the most suitable preparation in the conditions like Anorexia, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Stress etc. DOSAGE : 5-7 days each time Cattle / Buffaloes / Horses : 50-60 gms. / animal / day Calves / Heifers / Adult Pigs : 20-30 gms. / animal / day Sheep & Goat : 10-20 gms. / animal / day Dogs – 5 gms. / dog / day (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Animal Feeds : 2-3 kgs. / metric ton of feed. PRESENTATION : 1kg. pouch,10kg. bag
- For relief of pain & pyrexia BENEFITS : 1. Relieves form pain quickly. 2. Restores normal tissue conditions by resolving inflammatory lesions. 3. Reduces the body temperature. INDICATIONS : 1. Pains resulted from wounds, bruises, prolapse of uterus, sprains etc. 2. Acute inflammations. 3. Pyrexia of non-specific origins. DOSAGE : For 4-5 days or till complete relief Cows, Buffaloes, Horses, Camels : 5 tablets or 10 gms. of powder twice daily. Calves, Heifers, Foals : 3 tablets / 5 gms. of powder twice daily. Sheep, Goats & Pigs : 1-2 tablets / 3 gms. of powder twice daily. Note : If the problem in severe dosage may be doubled as per the advises of a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : Powder : 200 gms., 1kg. pouches Tablets : 200 no’s, 1000 no’s packs
- For better animal health & productivity BENEFITS : 1. Acts as appetizer and helps for better digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients. 2. Improves milk yield with better fat and protein content. 3. Increases growths, body weights, muscle strengths, health, immunity and activeness of animals. 4. Animal feels comfort and relieves from stress caused of any kind. 5. Improves palatability of the feed. DOSAGE : Adult Cattle, Buffalo, Horse, Camel - 100 gms / animal / day. Calves, Sheep & Goat - 50 gms. / animal / day. Lactating Cows & Breeding Bulls - 200 gms / animal / day. In feed rations : 10-20 kg. / ton of feed. (or) as advised by a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : 1kg. pouch, 25kg. bag
- Vitamins A, D3, E,C & B12 BENEFITS : Acts as 1. Quick stress reliever 2. Best suitable during transportation, disease conditions, climatic disturbance etc. 3. Can be given as a supportive therapy during antibiotic treatments. DOSAGE : Cattle, Camel, Horse : 20ml. / animal / day Calves, Sheep, Goat : 5 ml. / animal / day Dog : 3ml. / animal / day Pig : Piglets : 2ml. / animal / day Sow (pregnant) : 7ml. / animal / day (or) as advised by a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : 1ltr. plastic container
- Electrolytes BENEFITS : 1. Neutralises the electrolyte imbalances & provides strength. 2. Can be used as supportive therapy during anti biotic treatment. 3. Best suitable alternative in summer to avoid dehydration. DOSAGE : 5-7 days each time LIVESTOCK : Calves / sheep / dog : 20 gm. / animal / day Large animals : 100 gm. / animal / day Pig : Starters & Growers : 5 gm. / animal / day Finishers : 20-30 gms. / day (or) as advised by a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : 1kg. tin / pouch
- Quick stress reliever DOSAGE : LIVE STOCK : Calves, sheep, goat & dog : 5-10 gms./animal/day. Cattle & horses : 10-20 gms. / animal / day Pig : Starters & Growers : 2 gm. / animal / day Finishers : 5-10 gms. / animal / day or as advised by a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : 1kg. tin
- Toxin control therapy-potent toxin binder BENEFITS : 1. Reduces moisture content in the feed. 2. Wide range mould inhibitor. 3. Selective toxin adsorbant. 4. Keeps the performance stable. 5. Relieves from stress. 6. Improves digestion and FCR. 7. Very safe, economical and can be used regularly irrespective of season. DOSAGE : Swine Feeds : Regular prevention use : 500 gms. - 1kg / metric ton of feed. Treatment use : 2kg. / metric ton of feed or as directed by a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : 25kg. plastic drum / bag
- Liquid CALCIUM & PHOSPHORUS preparation BENEFITS : 1. Improves milk production to its maximum possible extent. 2. Helps for better bone and skeletol strength. 3. Prevents hypocalcimia and milk fever. 4. Prevents complications like dystocia, retention of placenta, metritis, mastitis etc. 5. Increases growth and body weights of calves. 6. Improves health, vigour, appetite, bone strength and growth of dogs. DOSAGE : Cattle & Buffaloes / Horses : 100 ml./ day / 7-10 days in a month. Calves : 40 ml./ day / 7 days in a month. Dogs : 5 ml. / day. Sheep & Goats : 10 ml. / day – 7 days in a month. (or) as advised by a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : 1ltr. plastic container