
  • Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Powder 5% w/w Indications:Livestock: Cattle : Moraxella Bovis, Conjunctivitis, Motellaro. Pig : MMA Syndrome, Atrophic Rhinitis Dosage: Oral administration through drinking water: Calves : 200 mg/Kg. body weight for 3-5 days Pigs : 200 mg/Kg. body weight for 3-5 days Note: It can be given through feed also (or) as advised by a Veterinarian Withdrawal period: Calves and Pigs meat: 8 days
  • Dosage : Cattle & Swine : 1 bolus / day (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Indications : * As a routine vitamin and mineral feed supplement. * As a performance booster. Composition: Each uncoated Bolous contains Vitamin-A 5000 IU Vitamin-D3 250 IU Vitamin-E 650 mcg Vitamin-B2 5 mg Calcium Carbonate 150 mg Phosphorous 120 mg Magnesium Sulphate 30 mg Copper Sulphate 5 mg Cobalt Nitrate 225 mcg Ferrous Sulphate 15 mg Potassium Iodide 2.5 mg Manganese Sulphate 100 mg Selemium 500 mcg Zinc Sulphate 5 mg Chromium Chloride USP 1mg
  • COMPOSITION : Each kg. contains Vitamin E : 100 gms. Vitamin C : 100 gms. Selenium : 250 mg. Biotin : 500 mg. BENEFITS : ¤ Enhances the functional capacity of the cell and acts more actively. ¤ Improves both harmonal and cell mediated immunity. ¤ Birds become more active with better stamina to yield better performance. ¤ Relieves from stress and inactiveness. ¤ Improves hatchability, fertility etc in breeders. DOSAGE : Layers & Broilers : 200 gm per ton of feed 5 - 7 days in a month Breeders : 500 gms per ton of feed 5 - 7 days in a month (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
  • Composition : Cough Cure is a special herbal preparation selected for selective herbs having functional properties as Bronchodilator and Expectorant. Benefits : • Birds relaxes from respiratory troubles quickly. • Highly useful in the prevention of respiratory diseases like CRD. coryza etc as a supportive therapy along with specific treatments. • Makes to function total respiratory organs with its full capacity. • Birds relaxed well and takes normal quantity of feed to produce normal results. Dosage : Per 100 birds : In drinking water 7-10 days each time. Chicks, Growers, Broiler-Starters : 10ml Layers and Broiler finishers : 30ml Breeders : 40ml. (or) As advised by a veterinarian.
  • Composition: Special selective herbal preperation having properties of cell activations, building of immunity, and stress relief. Main herbs incorporated are : Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Chitrak, Camellia Sinensis, Phyllanthus emblica, somnifera etc. Benefits : Stimulates both humeral and cell mediated immunities Makes the birds to respond well for vaccines Strongly provides pro- tection against free radicals Helps for better growths, better egg productions Relieves from stress and makes the birds com- fortable More survivals, more productivity and more profits. Dosage : per 100 birds / day/5-7 days Chicks, growers & broilers starters : 3 ml. Layers & broilers finishers : 5 ml. Breeders : 7 ml (or) as advised by a veterinarian.
  • Composition : Each 100ml. contains : Sodium hydrogen carbonate : 1.5 gm. Ammonium chloride : 1.0 gm. Ascorbic acid : 0.5 gm. Citosodine : 1.0 gm. Halite : 1.0 gm. Buffers & stabilisers : Q.S. Benefits : 1. Controles visceral gout very effectively. 2. Dissolves and sents out kidney stones. 3. Restores the functional capacity of kid- neys & kidney tissues. 4. Prevents and controles Nephrosis and baby chick Nepropathy. Dosage : in drinking water : Broilers : 5-10 ml./100 birds / 7-10 days Layers : 20 ml./100 birds / 7-10 days (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Composition
  • COMPOSITION : Each 5ml contains Vitamin A : 2,50,000 I.U. Vitamin D3 : 30,000 I.U. Vitamin E : 150 I.U. Vitamin C : 500 mg. Vitamin B12 : 150 mcg. BENEFITS : Quick stress reliever. Stimulates antibodies production for better immunity. Vaccine will be utilised properly and completely. Improves Egg production and maintains good persistancy. Broilers becomes more active with good growth and body weights. DOSAGE : POULTRY : Layers & Broilers : 5 ml./100 birds 5-7 days. Breeders : 10ml./100 birds 5-7 days. LIVE STOCK : Calves, dogs, sheep & goat : 5ml. / animal day - 5-7 days / month. Cattle & Horses : 10 ml. / animal / day - 5-7days / month (or) as advised by a veterinarian.Composition : Each 100ml. contains : Sodium hydrogen carbonate : 1.5 gm. Ammonium chloride : 1.0 gm. Ascorbic acid : 0.5 gm. Citosodine : 1.0 gm. Halite : 1.0 gm. Buffers & stabilisers : Q.S. Benefits : 1. Controles visceral gout very effectively. 2. Dissolves and sents out kidney stones. 3. Restores the functional capacity of kid- neys & kidney tissues. 4. Prevents and controles Nephrosis and baby chick Nepropathy. Dosage : in drinking water : Broilers : 5-10 ml./100 birds / 7-10 days Layers : 20 ml./100 birds / 7-10 days (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Composition
  • COMPOSITION : Each kg. contains Calcium : 240 gms. Phosphorus : 120 gms. Copper : 312 mg. Cobalt : 45 mg. Magnesium : 2.10 gms. Zinc : 2.10 gms. Iodine : 156 mg. Iron : 1000 mg. Chromium : 65 mg. L-Lysine : 4.4 gms. DL Methinine : 2.2 gms. Sulphur : 7 gms. Potassium : 100 mg. Sodium : 6 gms. Selenium : 10 mg. Vitamin A : 6,00,000 I.U. Vitamin D3 : 6,000 I.U. Vitamin E : 200 mg. Yeast culture : Q.S. BENEFITS : Improves milk yield Helps for better growth In- creases health and immunity Better fertility in fe- males Better strength in bullocks Enhances addi- tional stress bearing capacity INDICATIONS : Low milk yield, advanced pregnancy, peak lactations repeat breeders, young calves, poor growths, during an- tibiotic treatments etc. DOSAGE : continuously or 10 days in each course. Cow & buffaloes : 30 gms. Calves : 10 gms. In feed : 10 kg. / ton of feed (or) as advised by a veterinarian. PRESENTATION : 1 kg.