- Vitamins & Mineral Feed Supplement Benefits : Improves : Egg production, growth, body weights, fertility, hatchability, disease resistance FCR, digestion. Prevents : Vitamin & mineral deficiency symptoms, weakness, liver disorders, production fluctuations, general mortalities etc. Dosage :POULTRY Layers : 2.5 kg. / ton of feed regularly. Breeders 5 kg. / ton of feed regularly. Livestock : 2.5 kg. / ton of feed regularly. or as advised by a veterinarian. Fish : 2.5 kg. / ton of feed regularly. or as advised by a fish consultant Presentation : 5kg. pouch, 10kg. bag
- PHYTASE ENZYME Benefits : 1. Releases phytate bound phosphorus from plant feed stuffs in the poultry feed ration. 2. Improves mineral and protein utilization. 3. Increases phosphorus availability of the feed and reduces the addition of DCP. 4. Releases minerals for assimilation. 5. Higher growth rate and extra body weights seen in broilers . 6. More egg production with more thickness of egg shells seen. 7. Prevents leg weakness and other phosphorus deficiency related symptoms or disorders. Dosage :100 gm. / ton of feed 25 grams of phoscare – 5000 should be used to replace every kg. of DCP – with due correction of calcium. Special Note : DCP replacement with phytase should be planned with careful consideration of fish, SFC and DORB contents of feed, age and phosphorus requirements of birds. Avoid over dosing or under dosing. Proper mixing of feed and Phoscare-5000 also very very important for better results. Always keep the phoscare 5000 in air tight containers after usage. Presentation :1kg. pouch, 25 kg. plastic drum
- Bio-Surfactant Naturally Gut Stabilizers: in fortified activated base Advantages: Imrpoves digestibility of oil / fat of emulsification. Ensures optimum utilization of intact fat / triglycerides. Eensures higher energy bioavailability. Benefits: in Breeders: Stimulates early reproductive maturity Early egg size Better hatchability. in Layers: Helps in achieving standard body weight Less pullet eggs / standard eggs size Standard performance with feed saving. in Broilers: Co-work with less bile salt and lipase enzyme to digest fat globules Emulsifies any oil Helps in improving dressing percentage. Dosage: Broilers : 500 g - 1kg / ton of feed Layers : 250 g - 500 g / ton of feed Breeders : 500 g - 1 kg / ton of feed Presentation : 20 kg bag
- B complex vitamins with amino acids Benefits : 1. Prevents perosis muscular dystrophy. 2. Improves health & disease resistance. 3. Relieves from all kinds of stress 4. Improves egg production in layers 5. Increases body weights in broilers 6. Enhances the fertility and hatchability in breeders. Dosage : LIQUID : Poultry- Per 100 birds - 5-7 days. Layers : Chicks & Growers : 20 ml. Layers : 20-30 ml. Broilers : Starters : 20 ml. Finishers : 30 ml. Breeders : 40 ml. POWDER : Layers & broilers : 100 gms. /ton of feed regularly. Breeders : 150-200 gms. / ton of feed regularly. Fisheries : 250 gms./ ton of feed regularly. Presentation : Liquid : 1ltr., 5ltrs. Powder : 1kg. plastic containers
- Multi vitamin premix Benefits : 1. Prevents all vitamin deficiency symptoms and losses. 2. Avoids stress of all kinds. 3. Improves general health, immunity, growth, body weights, feathering, egg production, hatchability, etc. 4. Adds additional value to feed and its nutrients. 5. Increases feed conversion efficiency. Dosage : 1kg. per ton of feed continuously (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : 1kg. pouch
- Growth promoter & performance booster Benefits : Layers : 1. Improves egg size & egg production. 2. Increases growth & disease resistance. 3. Avoids cannabolism and falling of feathers. Broilers : 1. Increases growth & body weights. 2. Avoids weakness & lameness. 3. Improves muscle strength & disease resistance. Dosage : Liquid - Poultry : 7 days in each month. Layers : Chicks 10 ml. Growers 20 ml. per 100 birds Broilers & Breeders : 20-30 ml./100 birds Powder :Poultry - Routine use : 500 gm./ton of feed. Treatment use : 1kg/ton of feed 7-10 days. Milch animals :10-15 gm/ animal / day. Dog : 5 gm./animal/day. or as advised by a veterinarian. Fisheries : 1kg./ton of feed regularly or as advised by a fish consultant. Presentation : Liquid : 500ml., 1ltr., 5ltrs. plastic containers Powder :1kg., 5kg. pouches
- Quick stress reliever BENEFITS : Provides quick relief from the stress caused due to : ¤ Vaccinations ¤ Debeaking ¤ Deworming ¤ Disease ¤ Transportation ¤ Shifting ¤ Climatic disturbances ¤ High & low productions ¤ Summer etc. Dosage : POULTRY : 1gm. / 1 litre of drinking water (or) 500gm - 1kg per ton of feed 5-7 days. LIVE STOCK : Calves, sheep, goat & dog : 5-10 gms./animal/day. Cattle & horses : 10-20 gms. / animal / day or as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : 200 gms., 1kg. plastic containers.
- Liquid Toxin Binder cum Digestant Benefits: 1. Acts well on toxins and moulds. 2. Controls the pathogenic bacteria in the gut. 3. Decreases the chances of disease outbreaks. 4. Increases the quality of water by reducing pH. 5. Helps for stimulation of liver, better digestion, absorption of nutrients. 6. Helps to increase renal function and purity of blood. 7. Helps to increase egg production in layers. 8. Helps for fast growths and more body weights in broilers. Dosage: Poultry: in drinking water : 1ml./1litre of water 5-7 days each month. in feed : 250-500 ml/metric ton of feed continuously. Method of application : Take the recommended quantity of TCT Liquid and pour the same in the feed mixer gently during feed preparation. Presentation : 500 ml., 1000 ml.
- Toxin control therapy-potent toxin binder Benefits : 1. Reduces moisture content in the feed. 2. Wide range mould inhibitor. 3. Selective toxin adsorbant. 4. Keeps the production stable. 5. Relieves from stress. 6. Improves digestion and FCR. 7. Very safe, economical and can be used regularly irrespective of season. Dosage : Poultry & Fisheries : Regular prevention use : 500 gms. 1kg / ton of feed. Treatment use : 2kg. / ton of feed or as directed by a veterinarian. Presentation : 1kg., 5kgs. pouches, 25kg. bags.
- Double Strength Trace Minerals Concentrate Benefits : Poultry : Avoids: 1. Thin Shell/broken eggs. 2. Leg Weakness/Lameness. 3. Poor feathering. 4. Poor hatchability. 5. Poor growth. 6. Osteomalacia/perosis etc. Dosage : Poultry feed Regular use : 750 gms - 1kg/metric ton of feed During mineral deficiency : 2kg./metric ton of feed (or) as advised by a Veterinarian. Presentation : 5 Kg. pouch, 25 Kg. bag.
- Trace minerals concentrate Benefits : POULTRY : Avoids : 1. Loose shell & broken eggs. 2. Leg weakness & lameness. 3. Poor feathering. 4. Poor hatchability. 5. Poor growth. 6. Perosis etc. period is short and hard to occur resistance. Improves : 1. Egg production. 2. Meat quality & quantity. 3. Growth & body weights. 4. General health & activeness. 5. Disease resistance etc. FISHERIES : 1. Improves the bone & muscle strength. 2. Corrects the deficiency symptoms of minerals. 3. Increases the growth, body weight & disease resistance. Dosage : POULTRY : Regular use : 1 kg. / ton of feed. During deficiency :2 kg. / ton of feed. Breeders:2 kg. / ton of feed. FISHERIES : Regular use: 2 kg. / ton of feed. During deficiency : 5 kg. / ton of feed. or as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : 5 Kg. pouch, 25 Kg. bag.
- Herbal antibiotic activity feed supplement Benefits :Helps as a growth promoter 1. Arrests the growth of bacteria, virus etc present in the gut of the animals. 2. Reduces the chances of occurrence of microbial infections. 3. Effectively controles all bacterial infections of poultry like coli bacillosis, fowl typhoid, fowl cholera, coryza, CRD etc. 4. Helps to reduce the virulance or activity or effectiveness of the virus during out breaks. 5. Most suitable to eradicate drug resistant bacteria. 6. Very safe, no drug resistance, no side effects. Dosage : POULTRY :As a supportive therapy Regular use : 250 gm / ton of feed. During mild infections : 500 gm / ton of feed 5 days in month During disease out breaks : 1kg. / ton of feed 7-10 days. (or) as advised by a poultry consultant. Special Note : It should be used mainly as growth promoter and to control mild infections only. During serious outbreaks potential antibiotics should be used. Presentation :1 Kg. pouch.