Poultry Feed Supplements

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  • For control of Gout Benefits : 1. Controls visceral gout very effectively. 2. Dissolves and sent out kidney stones. 3. Restores the functional capacity of kidneys & kidney tissues. 4. Prevents and controls Nephrosis and baby chick Nephropathy. Dosage : in drinking water : Broilers : 5-10 ml./100 birds / 7-10 days Layers : 20 ml./100 birds / 7-10 days Presentation : 1ltr., 5ltrs. plastic containers.
  • Liver-stimulant & correctant Benefits : 1. Hi-Liv is a general protective tonic and can be given both in normal and abnormal conditions. 2. Prevents fatty livers and re-generates damaged hepatocytes.. 3. Improves egg production and body weights. 4. Increases FCR and feed efficiency. 5. Boosts the fertility and hatchability in breeders. 6. Ensures quick recovery during anti-biotic therapy. Dosage : Liquid - Poultry : for 100 birds per day /5-7 days. Chicks : 5 ml.,Growers : 10 ml.,Layers : 20 ml. Broilers : 20 ml., Breeders : 30 ml. POWDER: Poultry - Fisheries : Routine use : 500 gm/ton of feed Treatment use : 1kg/ton of feed 7-10 days. Live Stock : Calves, dog, sheep & goat : 5-10 gm./animal/day - 5-7 days / month cattle and horses : 20-30 gm./animal/day 5-7 days / month (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : Liquid : 1ltr., 5ltrs. plastic containers Powder : 1kg. pouch, 25 kg. bag.
  • Growth promoter, immuno modulator, blood purifier, anti microbial & digestant Benefits : 1. Fast growth & better body weights. 2. Better immunity and more survivals. 3. Controls sub clinical infections. 4. Economical FCR and more profits. 5. Higher egg productions and egg quality. 6. Less need of anti-biotics. 7. Better fertility and hatchability in breeders. 8. Provides more and better quality meat with less fat and more proteins. Special Features : 1. Purifies blood by elimination of pollutants. 2. Effectively carries blood to all the tissues. 3. Stimulates each cell of tissues. 4. Arrests the growth of pathogenic microbes. Dosage : For commercial Layers & Broilers : Routine use - 250 gms./ton of feed daily. Stress condition / higher microbial load - 1kg / ton of feed 7 days. For Breeders : Routine use - 500 gms./ ton of feed daily. Stress condition / microbial load - 1-2kg / ton of feed 7 days. Presentation : 1kg.pouch, 25 kg. bag
  • For control of blood loss Benefits : Most suitable to control blood loss in the following conditions and also helps to reduce stress. 1. Coccidiosis 2. Debeaking 3. Haemorrhagic ulcers in the intestines. 4. Necrotic enteritis. 5. Infectious bursal disease Dosage : Chicks & growers : 5-6 gms / 100 birds / day 7-10 days. During coccidiosis and IBD conditions : 1 gm / 4 litres of water for 5-7 days. Presentation : 1 Kg. plastic container
  • Growth Promoter Benefits: Broad spectrum activity and effective on both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Reduces the incidence of bacterial diseases. Most suitable to use during viral infections to prevent the bacterial infections. Helps to increase the growth, body weight with economical FCR in broilers. Helps to increase the egg productions and egg quality in commercial layers. Helps to increase the fertility and hatchability in breeders. l Prevents the diarrhoea of bacterial origins. Dosage:in Feed: Broilers : 250 gm./metric ton of feed continuously. Layers : 250 gm./metric ton - one week/a month continuously since chicks arrival to till culling of the birds. Breeders : 500 gm./metric ton - one week/a month continuously since chicks arrival time to till culling of the birds. (or) as advised by a Veterinarian. Presentation : 1 kg. pouch 10 kg. bag
  • Coccidiostat Benefits : 1. Best preventor of coccidiosis and more potent than other coccidiostats. 2. Very safe & effective for all sps of coccidia. 3. Compatable with all kinds of chemicals, antibiotics and antimycoplasmals commonly used in poultry. 4. Eliminates all stages of coccidia i.e. sporozoites,trophozoites & schizonts. 5. Gives maximum protection against coccidia. 6. Very safe compare to other Ionophore compounds. Dosage : Layers : 500 gms. per ton of feed 1st day to 14 weeks. Broilers : 500 gms. per ton of feed from 1st day to before 1 week of marketing. (or) as advised by a poultry consultant. Presentation : 1kg. pouch, 25 kg. bag.
  • For prevention of CRD Benefits : 1. Prevents Chronic respiratory diseases. 2. Helps to not to flareup CRD 3. Improves FCR and weight gain in broilers. 4. Increases Egg production in layers. 5. Improves fertility, hatchability in breeders. 6. Better quality chicks can be produced from breeders. Dosage : Broilers : 300 gm. / ton of feed from day one to 30 days. Layers & Breeders : 500 gm / ton of feed, 7 days in a month continuously (or) especially during laying period. Presentation : 1Kg. Pouch
  • Antibiotic feed supplement Benefits :POULTRY : Helps to reduce Non-specific enteritis Non – specific mortalities Non – Specific uneven growths Salmnollosis, colibacillosis Live Stock : Calves, cattle, sheep, goat, horses, swine : white scours, dysentery, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, vibrionic enteritis etc. Dosage : As a supportive therapy. Preventive use : 500 gm / ton of feed During mild infection : 1kg / ton of feed Special Note : It should be used mainly as growth promoter and to control mild infections only. During serious outbreaks potential antibiotics should be used. Presentation : 1 Kg. pouch.
  • Feed Supplement for Better Performance NON STOP GROWTH PROMOTER Benefits: 1. Helps to prevent most of the bacterial, Fungal and protozoan infections. 2. Helps for non stop growth of the birds. 3. Improves feed conversion efficiency. 4. Helps to reduce loose droppings. Dosage: Regular use as Growth promoter : 50 – 100 Gms / metric ton of feed During stress / mild Infections : 250 gms / metric ton of feed (or) as advised by a veterinarian Presentation: 1kg. pouch
  • Double strength AB D K Benefits : Improves : Overall performance including immunity, feathering, egg production, egg size, egg quality, growth, body weights, muscular development etc. Prevents : Rickets, curled toe paralysis etc. Dosage : Regular use : 100 gms./ ton of feed. During deficiency : 200 gms. / ton of feed 7-10 days (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : 1kg. plastic container
  • Calcium, phosphorus & vitamin D3 Benefits : Poultry : Prevents : Thin shelled / rough/broken eggs, production drops, rickets, osteomalacia, anaemia, stunted growths, lameness, leg weakness, prolapse, cannabolism. Improves : Egg production, growth, body weights, health & activeness. Livestock : Milch animals : improves milk yield & prevents milk fever. Fish : Improves muscular & skeletal development and so more growth & body weight. Enhances diseases resistance. Dosage : Liquid - Poultry : 5-7 days layers : chicks & growers : 10-20ml. /100 birds. Layers : 20-25 ml./100 birds. Broilers : Starters : 10-20 ml/100 birds. Finishers : 25-50 ml. 100 birds. Granular: Preventive use : 500 gms. - 1kg. /ton of feed 5-7 days. Presentation :Liquid :500ml., 1ltr., 5ltrs.plastic containers Powder : 1kg., 5kg. pouches
  • Coccidiostat Benefits : 1. Prevents the occurrence of coccidiosis. 2. Controls both intestinal & caecal coccidiosis. 3. Acts as growth promoter by reducing the load of eimeria oocysts in the gut. Dosage : 500 gm / ton of feed. Layers : upto 14 weeks. Broilers : upto culling. or as advised by a veterinarian Presentation : 1 Kg. pouch.