- Multi enzymes feed supplement Main Functions : 1. Degrades and digests non starch poly saccharides and other anti nutritional factors. 2. Nutrients in the feed utilised perfectly and completely. 3. Manure quality improves and very less environmental pollution. 4. Ammonia formation in the gut is minimised. Benefits : 1. Feed value is increased with even less cost or less nutritive value ingredients. 2. Better FCR and optimum feed consumption. 3. Provides extra energy, extra utilisation of nutrients. 4. Reduces wet droppings. 5. Birds become very healthy and active. Dosage : Poultry feed : 500 gms./ton of feed. continuously (or) as advised by a poultry consultant. Presentation : 1kg. pouch, 25 kg. plastic drum
- Concentrated probiotic feed supplement Benefits : 1. Prevents bacterial infections mainly E.Coli and salmonella. 2. Improves health and immunity. 3. Vaccines functions well and completely. 4. More survivals, better performance and extra profits. 5. Higher and persistent antibody titres. 6. Better quality meat and eggs produced. Dosage : Poultry feed : 100 gms / ton of feed continuously. Note : compatable with all antibiotics and feed ingredients. Presentation : 1kg. plastic container, 25 kg. plastic drum.
- Electrolytes Benefits : 1. Neutralises the electrolyte imbalances & provides strength. 2. Can be used as supportive therapy during anti biotic treatment. 3. Best suitable alternative in summer to avoid dehydration. Dosage : 5-7 days POULTRY : 1 gm. / 1 litre drinking water LIVESTOCK : Calves / sheep / dog : 20 gm. / animal / day Large animals : 100 gm. / animal / day or as advised by a poultry consultant. Presentation : 200 gm, 500 gm, 1 Kg. plastic containers
- Herbal immuniser & stress reliever Benefits : 1. Stimulates both humeral and cell mediated immunities. 2. Makes the birds to respond well for vaccines. 3. Strongly provides protection against free radicals. 4. Helps for better growths, better egg productions. 5. Relieves from stress and makes the birds comfortable. 6. More survivals, more productivity and more profits. Dosage : per 100 birds / day / 5-7 days. Chicks, growers & broiler starters : 3 ml. Layers & broiler finishers : 5 ml. Breeders : 7 ml. Presentation : 1ltr., 5ltrs. plastic containers
- Vitamins and Amino Acids Solution Indications: 1. Prevents and corrects avitaminosis and malnutrition. 2. Helps to reduce mortalities. 3. Works as supportive therapy in the conditions like Moulting Anorexia Fatty Liver Early chick mortality etc. Dose: in drinking water : Broiler : 1 ml./litre of drinking water - 5-7 days Layer : 2 ml./litre of drinking water - 5-7 days Breeder : 3 ml./litre of drinking water - 5-7 days (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation: 1 litre
- Concentrated vitamin A liquid Benefits :Poultry 1. Increases health and immunity . 2. Helps for more body weights 3. Helps for better egg productions 4. Provides relief from stress 5. Prevents production slumps 6. Improves fertility and Hatchability. Livestock: 1. Increases health & immunity, 2. Increases milk quality and quantity, 3. Helps for better fertility. Dosage :Poultry: Per 100 birds Chicks & Broiler Starters: 5 ml Growers, layers, Broiler finishers: 10 ml Breeders: 10-20 ml Livestock: Large animals: 10ml / animal / day Small animals: 3-5ml / animal / day ( or )As advised by a veterinarian Presentation : 100ml., 500ml., 1000ml.
- Acidifier & conditioner Benefits : 1. Restores normal gut flora and condition. 2. Promotes gut vitality and integrity. 3. Increases digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients. 4. Improves egg production in layers and breeders. 5. Helps for fast growths and extra body weights in broilers. 6. Reduces production costs. Dosage : in drinking water: 1ml/ litre of water 2 days a week (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : 1ltr., 5ltrs. plastic containers.
- Feed attractant & performance booster Benefits : 1. Makes the bird to take enough quantity of feed. 2. Controls uneven sizes, stunted and poor growths, culls formation etc. 3. Improves health and immunity. 4. Increases egg production in layers and avoids the production drops in summer. 5. Enhances the growth & body weights in broilers. Dosage : Poultry feed 250 ml. - 500 ml. / ton of feed continuously. Application : Pour recommended quantity of attract in the feed mixture itself during preparation of feed for better mixing. Presentation : 1ltr., 5ltrs. plastic containers.
- Vitamin B (Feed supplement) Benefits :Continuous use of vitamin B -FS : 12 1. Improves egg production & egg quality in layers. 2. Increase growth & body weights in broilers. 3. Improves the total performance of the breeders including hatchability and fertility. 4. Corrects metabolic disorders & improves health and performance. Dosage : For continuous use : Layers : 100 gm. / ton of feed. Broilers : 150 gm. / ton of feed. Breeders : 200 gm. / ton of feed. or as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : 5kg. pouch, 25 kg. bag
- Herbal Bronchodilater and Expectorant Benefits : · Birds relaxes from respiratory troubles quickly. · Highly useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases like CRD. coryza etc as a supportive therapy along with specific treatments · Makes to function total respiratory organs with its full capacity. · Birds relaxed well and takes normal quantity of feed to produce normal results. Dosage : Per 100 birds : In drinking water 7-10 days each time. Chicks, Growers, Broiler-Starters : 10ml Layers and Broiler finishers : 30ml Breeders : 40ml. (or) As advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : 1000 ml.
- For more & better eggs Breeders & layers special Main Functions : 1. Enhances insulin function and optimises reproduction cycle for daily egg production. 2. Stimulates ovaries and helps for un interrupted ovulation. 3. Improves the contents of yolk and albumen in the egg for good size eggs. 4. Helps for more strong shells than normal shells of egg. 5. Improves digestion and utilisation of nutrients. Benefits : LAYERS 1. Improves egg production to its maximum. 2. Maintains peaks for longer periods. 3. Improves egg size and egg quality. 4. Better health, better FCR and better profits. Dosage : Commercial layers : 500 gms / ton of feed continuously. Breeders : 1kg/ton of feed continuously. Presentation : 1kg. pouch, 25 kg. bag.
- Vitamin E with selenium Benefits : 1.Enhances the functional capacity of the cell and acts more actively. 2. Improves both humoral and cell mediated immunity. 3. Birds become more active with better stamina to yield better performance. 4. Relieves from stress and inactiveness. 5. Improves hatchability, fertility etc in breeders. Dosage : Both feed grade and water soluble powders available Feed Grade : Layers & Broilers : 200 gm per ton of feed 5 - 7 days in a month. Breeders : 500 gms per ton of feed 5 - 7 days in a month. Water Soluble : 1 gm. / litre 5-7 days (or) as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation : 1Kg. plastic container