
  • Water Line Cleaner Dosage & Application : Application : Poultry: Cleaning when birds are not present: Stock solution : Prepare stock solution by adding “BENCIT” to water in the ratio of -1:1. Fill the lines with above stock solution @ 8 ml per litre & leave it for 12 hrs, then flush the water lines with clean water. Cleaning when birds are present: Stock solution : Prepare stock solution by adding 30 ml of “BENCIT” to 1 litre of water. Fill the lines with above stock solution @ 8 ml per litre . Allow it to run for 24 hrs once a week. Benefits :
    •   “BENCIT” has a broad spectrum activity against bacteria, fungi, viruses, & molds.
    • “BENCIT” is water line cleaner and disinfectant to clean the water line of deposits and microbes.
    • “BENCIT” unclogs pipelines by removing mineral scales & depositions.
    • “BENCIT” effectively cleans water lines thus prevents pathogenic growth & spoilage microorganisms in drinking water.
    • “BENCIT” ensures complete removal of microbes and deposits in water line
  • Most Potent Pathogen Killer Dosage & Application : Empty Shed : 4ml/ltr of water (Spray 1 litre diluted disinfectant per 25 sq. ft. area.) Livestock/birds in shed : 4ml/ltr of water (Spray 1 litre diluted disinfectant per 125 sq. ft. area) Plastics & metal equipment : 4ml/ltr of water Hatcher and setter : 4ml/ltr of water Hatchery floors and walls : 4ml/ltr of water Benefits :
    •  It acts as a powerful bactericide, virucide & fungicide.
    • It is non-toxic, non-irritant, safe & effective for
    • usage in presence of birds
    • Highly recommended during disease outbreaks
  • Potent Virucidal Usage & features :
    •   It is broad spectrum disinfectant in powder form having antimicrobial activity even in presence of heavy soiling, bacteria, viruses and fungi.
    • It is acidic in nature and releases different Biocides which acts against various microorganisms.
    • It is readily water soluble, nontoxic, nonirritant and noncorrosive at user dilution.
    • It is easy for application and used widely in poultry farm and hatchery operations
  • For Terminal Disinfection Application method : Empty shed for terminal disinfection: 7 ml per 1 litre water, spray with high pressure equipment. (Spray 1 litre diluted disinfectant per 25 sq. ft. area.) Vehicles : 7 ml per 1 litre water, spray with high pressure Hatcher and setter : 7 ml per 1 litre water, spray and mop Usage & features :
    •   It is an unique combination having synergistic action against all types of micro organisms -bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, chlamydia etc.
    • It highly used for terminal disinfection in empty sheds, hatchery, vehicles etcI.
    • It is non corrosive, acts faster and for longer time.
  • Disinfectant & Surfectant Application : Dilution per litre of water: Hatchery/Empty sheds disinfection: 5 ml Poultry sheds with population: 4 ml Precautionary Note : Use in well ventilated area. Avoid direct contact with-eyes & skin. Usage & features :
    •   It having strong residual action, hence very superior disinfectant for hatcheries & farms.
    • Effective in the presence of organic matter.
    • It is very fast acting & long lasting disinfectant.
    • Effective at all temperature & varying water pH.
  • Ideal Formula for complete protection Application method : Drinking water : Add 1 ml in 10 litre water and allow to act for at least 2 hrs. Empty Shed : 20 ml in 1 litre water, spray with high pressure equipment. Equipment's : 20 ml in 1 litre water, soak for & Plastic trays 1 hour. Foot baths : 20 ml in 1 litre water (change daily) Incubator/Hatcher : 10 ml in 1 litre water, Spray & mop Hatching eggs : 10 ml in 1 litre water, dip eggs and allow to dry in the air Vehicles : 10 ml in 1 litre water, spray with high pressure Usage & features :
    • It is a formulation of Iodine, Surfectant and organic acid. It contains controlled iodine releasing complex which is multiactive disinfectant.
    • It provides sanitized water and protects the birds from spread of infectious diseases like ND, Fowl Cholera, Colibacillosis, CRD, Salmonellosis etc
    • It releases different biocides which are active in wide range of water pH.
    • It is easy for application and used widely in poultry farm and hatchery operations.
    • It used to improve hatchery hygiene
    • It is non corrosive and not affected by hardness of water
  • Surface Cleaner Application method : Empty poultry farm shed: 10-20 ml in 1 litre water. Hatcheries (Walls, floors, setter & hatcher, plastic eggs trays, racks etc.): 10-20 ml in 1 litre water. Meat, Chicken, Fish processing plants (Floors, walls, equipment's): 15-25 ml in 1 litre water. Vehicle cleaning: 1 litre in 300 litre of water. Footwear cleaning: 10-20 ml in 1 litre water. Usage & features :
    • It ensures removal of hard debris and deposited organic materials from the surface
    • It is highly effective, non-corrosive and non-staining for all types of surfaces.
    • It is highly used for deep cleaning of poultry farms, cages, slaughter houses, hatcheries, egg trays, vehicles and foot wear
    • It is active in wide range of pH and hardness of water