Causative Agent:-
Infectious bronchitis is caused by avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a coronavirus (Coronaviridae, Orthocoronavirinae, genus Gammacoronavirus, subgenus Igacovirus). The virus is highly variable and new serotypes and genotypes continue to appear.
Species Affected:-
Infectious bronchitis is a disease of chickens only.
Clinical Signs
The severity of bronchitis infection is influenced by the age and immune status of the flock, by environmental conditions, and by the presence of other diseases. Feed and water consumption declines. Affected chickens will be chirping, with a watery discharge from the eyes and nostrils, and laboured breathing with some gasping in young chickens.
Breathing noises are more noticeable at night while the birds rest. Egg production drops dramatically. Production will recover in 5 or 6 weeks but at a lower rate. The bronchitis virus infects many tissues of the body, including the reproductive tract. Eggshells become rough and the egg white becomes watery.

Spleen and liver enlarged


Plaques in the trachea

Inflamed kidney (renal form)
Infectious bronchitis is a very contagious poultry disease. It is spread by air, feed bags, infected dead birds, infected houses, and rodents. The virus can be egg-transmitted, however, affected embryos usually will not hatch.
There is no specific treatment for bronchitis. Antibiotics for 3–5 days may aid in combating secondary bacterial infections. Raise the room temperature 5°F for brooding-age chickens until symptoms subside.
Also, Read: Infectious Bursal Disease in Poultry
To avoid the secondary infection, we recommend:
- Antibiotic therapy through drinking water
- TT- 62.5 (Tylosin Tartrate Powder 62.5%): follow the dosage schedule as per product label- administration through drinking water.
- DOX N-WS (Doxycycline 10% and Neomycin 10%): @ 1 gram in 2-4 litres for drinking water for 4-5 days
Immunostimulant therapy through drinking water:
- E MUNE CARE (Vitamin E, Selenium, Biotin and Folic acid):
Chicks and broiler starters : 5 ml/ 100 birds
Growers, Layers, Broiler finishers : 10 ml/100 birds
Breeders : 20 ml/100 birds
Establish and enforce a biosecurity program. Vaccines are available.