Causative agent:
Fowl Cholera is a serious, highly contagious disease caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida.
Species affected:
Domestic Fowl Cholera of all species, primarily chickens and turkeys.
Clinical Signs
Fowl cholera usually strikes birds older than 6 weeks of age. In acute outbreaks, dead birds may be the first sign. Fever, reduced feed consumption, mucoid discharge from the mouth, ruffled feathers, diarrhea, and labored breathing may be seen. As the disease progresses birds lose weight, become lame from joint infections, and develop rattling noises from exudate in air passages. As fowl cholera becomes chronic, chickens develop abscessed wattles and swollen joints and foot pads. Caseous exudate may form in the sinuses around the eyes.

Swollen & Cyanotic Wattles & Face

Vascular Injuries
Multiple means of transmission have been demonstrated. Flock additions, free-flying birds, infected premises, predators, and rodents are all possibilities.
A flock can be medicated with a sulfa drug (sulfonamides) or vaccinated, or both, to stop mortality associated with an outbreak.
Also, Read: COLIBACILLOSIS (E. coli infection)
- COTRIM-FS (Each 5 grams contains: Trimethoprim 160 mg and Sulphamethoxazole 800 mg): @ 1gm in 1 litre of drinking water for 5-7 days
- TETRA-PLUS-5 (Tetracycline Hydrochloride Powder 5%): @ 5gm in 4 to 5 litres of drinking water. (Or)
Supportive Therapy in Drinking Water:-
- BENACHO CARE-DS (Herbal expectorant and bronchodilator): @ 1 ml in 5 litres of drinking water per100 birds for 7-10 days
- VACCINE PLUS (Vitamin A,D3,E,C): via drinking water to reduce stress
Layers & Broilers: 5 ml./100 birds 5-7 days &.
Breeders: 10ml./100 birds 5-7 days.
On fowl cholera endemic farms, vaccination is advisable according to the guidelines. Rodent control is essential to prevent future outbreaks.