A responsible corporate entity bolstering worthy social causes

With a visionary founder who values philanthropy in his personal life, PVS Labs as an organisation too believes in being a responsible corporate entity fulfilling worthy social causes. The company wholeheartedly contributes to the society through a number of welfare initiatives and healthy growth of local communities. Team PVS Labs also cares for the environment through sustainability approach to conducting business operations. A case in point, ANU Labs is a first of its kind initiative in India set up by PVS Group to help the local farmers in terms of soil testing and water testing

from their ponds. The “Disease Diagnostic Research & Feed Analytical Laboratory” facilitates medicines manufactured at a discounted price. The focus of ANU Labs is on using technology that is sustainable in the long term as well as beneficial from the economic, biological and environmental perspectives. Also, PVS as a group was founded over 25 years ago on a noble yet needed thought-process – that every animal should have access to quality product and better growth prospects.