BIOFLOC Fish Farming Technology
Biofloc fish farming technology offers a sustainable solution to water pollution issues, optimizes water resource utilization, and promotes nutrient recycling through a community of Heterotrophic bacteria.
This innovative system allows aquaculture farms to minimize or eliminate water exchange while harnessing valuable by-products generated through microbial metabolism, thereby adding significant value to the process. Additionally, Biofloc shrimp farming aids in disease prevention, ensuring healthier stocks.
Composition and Nutritional Value of Biofloc Technology:
Bioflocs comprise algae, bacteria, protozoans, and various organic matter like feces and uneaten feed. These components form flocs held together by a matrix of mucus secreted by bacteria and bound by filamentous microorganisms or electrostatic attraction. The biofloc community also includes grazers such as zooplankton and nematodes. While some bioflocs are visible to the naked eye, most are microscopic.
Promising results in Bioflocs probiotics
Bioflocs exhibit variable but generally good nutritional quality in cultured animals. Protein content in biofloc ranges from 25-50% of dry weight, while fat content typically falls between 0.5-15%. Biofloc probiotics offer promising results, boasting satisfactory levels of essential amino acids like methionine and lysine, along with a rich array of vitamins and minerals.

Biofloc – The most suitable culture species
Biofloc fish farming technology thrives with species that benefit from consuming floc directly. It’s especially suitable for species tolerant of high solid concentrations in water, such as shrimp and tilapia, which have physiological adaptations for this environment. Shrimp, tilapia, and carp are commonly cultivated in Biofloc systems, often referred to as Biofloc shrimp farming and Biofloc fish farming.
Types of Biofloc system
There are two main types of Biofloc systems:
– Sunlight-Exposed Biofloc Systems: These systems utilize natural sunlight and can include outdoor ponds or tanks, as well as greenhouse facilities. A blend of algae and bacterial processes maintains water quality in these “Green Water” Biofloc systems.
– Closed Building Biofloc Systems: Installed in enclosed buildings without exposure to natural light, these systems operate as brown water Biofloc systems. Here, water quality is controlled solely through bacterial processes.
Benefits of Biofloc Technology:
– Eco-Friendly: Biofloc systems minimize environmental impact.
– Water Exchange: Minimal water exchange improves fish survival, feed conversion, and growth performance.
– Enhanced Biosecurity: Biofloc technology reduces the risk of pathogen transmission and water pollution.
– Lower Feed Requirements: Protein-rich feed usage is decreased.
– Negligible Water Exchange: Little to no water exchange is needed.
Disadvantages of Biofloc:
– Increased Energy Demand: Mixing and aeration require more energy.
– Reduced Response Time: Elevated water respiration rates can slow system response.
– Startup Period: Systems require time to establish.
– Alkaline Supplements: Alkaline supplements may be necessary.
– Pollution Concerns: Nitrate accumulation in Biofloc tanks can lead to pollution.
– Seasonal Variability: Sunlight-exposed systems may experience seasonal and inconsistent performance.